Thursday, February 23, 2012

Signing a contract..

A root cause that creates problems in renovation project is the lack of understanding of the contract or agreement. Many contractors come in low to get the job and then stick the home owner with extras. And often times home owners have no choice to accept it because they don't want the project to stall. Much like buyng a car the extras you get after the purchase like roof rack, fog lights, navigation system etc are priced at over 200% of the real cost of such things. Contractors do the same.
If the contract you signed does not entail just every possible scenario of potential problems, then don't sign it.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Get to know your Renovator..

Starting a renovation with a contractor is much like starting a relationship with some one. The better you get to know the other person the better off you are thru out the entire process. Ask me your specific questions and I'll let you know what the contractor should be saying..or doing..